it management work from home oyster bay, ny

Who we are

“My customers know we spend the time to cater to their needs and that we have their best interest at heart.”

Sage Chevins, CEO

A few words about us

Going back in time twenty years, young Sage started serving his first customers at just thirteen years old. You can imagine the smiles on people faces when a young teenager with too much passion for his own good, started repairing IT professionally.

Catapulting that passion twenty years into the future, we have NSTS. A boutique IT firm which caters to network infrastructure, software and everything else (IT) under the sun. It maintains the same formula: stay close to home, stay up to date with the latest technology and offer best-fit solutions, not band-aid fixes.

NSTS serves businesses with up to 50 staff and individuals in the Oyster Bay area and surroundings. We cater to a wide variety of industries, including non profits, manufacturing, construction and the service industry.

This is what defines NSTS

IT service you can FEEL

We exist to ensure that our customers always have a good feeling when interacting with their technology. We promise to provide a personalized customer experience with dignity and respect.

Boutique approach

With our boutique approach, we can guarantee you a customized plan, real person support, and protection from technologies greatest risks. Our formula: stay close to home, stay up to date with the latest technology, and offer best-fit solutions.

Are you interested in the latest technology?

We are familiar with digital tools that will boost your company's efficiency; helping you grow faster.
Contact Us